by William Bradley Dunagan
Spelling variations of this family name include: Wardrop, Wardrope, Wardrobe, Waldrop, Waldroppe, Waldrope, Waldropp, Waldrep and many more. Dr. P. H. Reaney, in “A Dictionary of British Surnames”, says that the name “Wardrop” was originated by a British official of the Royal Household in charge of the Robes, Wearing Apparel, etc. The name Thomas De La Wardrobe in the year 1210 in the earliest appearance of the name insofar as researchers have discovered. The name Wardrop – Wardrobe has evolved in America to the Waldrop, Waldrip or Waldrep spelling most often used.
George F. Black, Ph. D., researcher with the New York City Public Library for over twenty years, published after his retirement “The Surnames of Scotland – Their Origin, Meaning and History”. Dr. Black says the name is “from the Office of Keeper of the Royal Wardrobe. The Wardrobe was a repository not only for articles of dress on Royal occasions, but for furniture not actually in use and for foreign spices and confections.”
Some of the first settlers to America of this family name or some of its variants were: James Wardrope, who settled in New Jersey in 1685 and Joseph Wardrope, who first came to Georgia in 1734 with his wife and daughter. Some research has led us to believe that this Joseph Wardrope referenced above might be the forebearer of the Waldrep surname in America that my family is linked to. This has been hard to document with any degree of certainty because there is a huge gap of reliable data missing between the time of this Joseph Wardrope and my 3rd great grandfather Joseph Waldroup of Habersham County, GA. However, a Joseph Wardrope, Age 35, carpenter, arrived in Georgia, 21 August 1734, and is listed in the "List of Georgia Settlers" by Ellis Mertin Coulter and Albert B. Saye. They show that Joseph Wardrope, age 35; came to Georgia, 1734, with wife Jean Foster and daughter Elenor, age 13. They had married 6 July 1720 in North Kirk, Edinburgh, Scotland. (William & Mary Quarterly Historical Mag. Vol. 8, Series 1, 1899, Pg. 193) Jean was born 1692 in Scotland; died Charleston Co., SC.
They had the following children:
child 1. Elenor Anne Wardrope, b. 25 Sept 1721 Scotland
child 2, Helen Wardrope, b. 26 Feb 1723 Scotland
child 3. Joseph Wardrope, b. 22 March 1726 Scotland
Another theory by some in the family believed that our family came from Germany. Spelling variations of this family name included: Waldrep, Waldrip, Waldrop, Waltrap, Waltrip, Waltrup, Walrab, Waldraff, Wallraff, Waldroff, Wohlrab and many more. First found in the Lower Rhineland, where it was a popular name. References to the surname can be found in German documents dating back to the very late 13th and early 14th centuries. Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were: William Walraf, who arrived in England in 1709 on the way to settling in America, Gerhardt Walraht, who arrived in New York in 1710; Henrich Waldrop, who served as a mercenary soldier with the British during the American Revolution, and settled in North America in 1784. Wiley Waldrope immigrated to Texas in 1835. Personally, I do not believe there is a direct connection to Germany. I think you would see more Germanic sounding names in the family line than you do, if this was the case.
I will have to surmise that we just do not know for sure. However, I do know with some certainty that Joseph Waldroup/WALDREP born about 1794 in Laurens County, SC, died before 1870 in Habersham County, GA, is my 3rd great grandfather. Unfortunately, we don’t know the name of his father or mother. He married Tabitha D. McIntyre about 1820 and they had the following children:
Mahulda C. WALDROUP (1822-1880) Married Aaron Wooten
Hortense C. WALDREP (1825-?)
Samuel Isaac WALDROUP (WALDREP)(1825-1877) Married Nancy Adaline Elliott
Perrin WALDROUP (WALDREP)(1826-1864) Married Mary Ann Wilkerson
Louis Lee WALDROUP (WALDREP) (1833-1890) Married Minerva Anne Free
Joseph Wesley WALDROUP (WALDREP) (1834-1909) Married Ruth Hill Daniel
George E. WALDROUP (WALDREP) (1844-1893) Married Survilla Albertine Brookshear. Buried in Talking Rock Baptist Church Cemetery, Pickens County, GA
Perrin (Waldroup) WALDREP is my 2nd great grandfather.
His date of death has been reported as January 5 or 6 in either 1863 or 1864 in official records of CSA widows pension papers. Perrin is spelled Perron in some records.
He married Mary A. Wilkerson on February 22, 1849 in Habersham County GA according to county records.
When in the CSA army for training, he became very ill and was sent home while still very ill, walked a long way from the train to get home and died a matter of days later, as reported by family members.
His surname was spelled Waldrope in the 1830 census of Habersham County GA and was spelled Waldrup on the marriage records of Habersham County GA. It was spelled Waldroupe or Waldroup at other times. He was a member of Providence Baptist Church, joining in 1853. The minutes of the Providence Baptist Church also show other of our family as members. The surname as used in the minutes is spelled Waldroup.
He was in Company K; 24th Regiment; Georgia Volunteers, serving under W. Griggs. The widow's application for pension in January 3, 1902 shows he entered service August 1, 1862 and went home with pneumonia December 22, 1863 where he died.
From the minutes of Providence Baptist Church in Batesville, GA: In the January 1853 meeting Perrien Waldroup received by experience.
I will have to surmise that we just do not know for sure. However, I do know with some certainty that Joseph Waldroup/WALDREP born about 1794 in Laurens County, SC, died before 1870 in Habersham County, GA, is my 3rd great grandfather. Unfortunately, we don’t know the name of his father or mother. He married Tabitha D. McIntyre about 1820 and they had the following children:
Mahulda C. WALDROUP (1822-1880) Married Aaron Wooten
Hortense C. WALDREP (1825-?)
Samuel Isaac WALDROUP (WALDREP)(1825-1877) Married Nancy Adaline Elliott
Perrin WALDROUP (WALDREP)(1826-1864) Married Mary Ann Wilkerson
Louis Lee WALDROUP (WALDREP) (1833-1890) Married Minerva Anne Free
Joseph Wesley WALDROUP (WALDREP) (1834-1909) Married Ruth Hill Daniel
George E. WALDROUP (WALDREP) (1844-1893) Married Survilla Albertine Brookshear. Buried in Talking Rock Baptist Church Cemetery, Pickens County, GA
Perrin (Waldroup) WALDREP is my 2nd great grandfather.
His date of death has been reported as January 5 or 6 in either 1863 or 1864 in official records of CSA widows pension papers. Perrin is spelled Perron in some records.
He married Mary A. Wilkerson on February 22, 1849 in Habersham County GA according to county records.
When in the CSA army for training, he became very ill and was sent home while still very ill, walked a long way from the train to get home and died a matter of days later, as reported by family members.
His surname was spelled Waldrope in the 1830 census of Habersham County GA and was spelled Waldrup on the marriage records of Habersham County GA. It was spelled Waldroupe or Waldroup at other times. He was a member of Providence Baptist Church, joining in 1853. The minutes of the Providence Baptist Church also show other of our family as members. The surname as used in the minutes is spelled Waldroup.
He was in Company K; 24th Regiment; Georgia Volunteers, serving under W. Griggs. The widow's application for pension in January 3, 1902 shows he entered service August 1, 1862 and went home with pneumonia December 22, 1863 where he died.
From the minutes of Providence Baptist Church in Batesville, GA: In the January 1853 meeting Perrien Waldroup received by experience.
They had the following children:
George Amos WALDROPE (1851-?) Habersham Co, GA.
Amy or Mary Elizabeth WALDROPE (1853-?) Habersham Co, GA.
Louis Elijah WALDREP (1854-1910) born Habersham Co, GA., died Hamilton Co, TX.
James Lafayette WALDREP (1855-1933)Habersham Co, GA.
Joseph Robert WALDREP (1858-1920)
Namon H. WALDROUP (1859-1940)
Albert Perrin WALDREP (1860-?)
James Lafayette WALDREP is my great grandfather.James married Nancy Emily Wheeler(1860-1905), daughter of Thomas Hamilton Wheeler and Mary Ann GASTLEY, on 24 Jan 1878 in , Habersham County, GA. Nancy Emily was born on 5 Apr 1860 in , Habersham Co, GA. She died on 25 Aug 1905 in , Habersham Co, GA. She is buried in the Bethlehem Baptist Church Cemetery in Clarkesville, GA. Emily's father Thomas Hamilton Wheeler died fighting with Company C, 9th. Battalion Infantry Regiment Georgia CSA at Shelbyville, TN, in 1862. Emily was their only child. Her mother, Mary Ann Gastley married again in 1869 to Richard Marvin McIntyre(1845-1915) and together they had several children. Apparently, Nancy Emily Wheeler was adopted by her step father and took his last name. Nancy Emily's mother was often called "mother Mac" and spoke in broken English and her German native language. Mary Ann Gastley was born in Baden, Wuerttemberg, Germany 4 Apr 1838 and died in Hall County Georgia 1 Apr 1923. She came through Savannah, GA as a young child when her parents imigrated to America. Her father was John Gastley(1811-1892) and her mother was Ann Gastley(1811-1870) both from Baden, Germany. The photo below was taken around 1904 at the family home in Habersham, Georgia.
James and Nancy had the following children:
Sarah Ida WALDREP was born on 3 Nov 1878. She died on 3 Sep 1965.
Thomas Perrin WALDREP was born on 10 May 1881. He died on 1 Jul 1964.
Baby WALDREP was born on 10 May 1881 in , Habersham County, GA. He died on 10 May 1881 in , Habersham County, GA. He was buried in Bethlehem Bapt., Habersham County, GA. Born and died the same day.
Mary Ann "Mamie" WALDREP was born on 21 Sep 1883. She died on 18 Jul 1967.
George Hamilton WALDREP was born on 22 Nov 1885. He died on 1 Dec 1949.
Merrill Bumstead "Bum" WALDREP was born on 25 Nov 1887. He died on 26 Nov 1928.
Emma Julia WALDREP was born on 18 Feb 1890.
Anna Odessa "Annie" WALDREP was born on 22 Apr 1892. She died on 7 Dec 1979.
Robert MacMillan WALDREP was born on 6 May 1894. He died on 23 Apr 1982.
Ruby Mae WALDREP was born on 3 Oct 1896. She died on 23 Jul 1975.
Florence A. WALDREP was born on 17 Jun 1899. She died on 31 Mar 1901. She was buried in Clarkesville, Habersham Co, GA.
James Ashmore WALDREP was born on 22 Apr 1901. He died on 8 Jan 1992.
Gussie E. WALDREP was born on 22 Apr 1901. She died on 14 Aug 1901. She was buried in Clarkesville, Habersham Co, GA.
Henry Downey WALDREP was born on 7 Dec 1904. He died on 2 Nov 1972.
Sarah Ida WALDREP was born on 3 Nov 1878. She died on 3 Sep 1965.
Thomas Perrin WALDREP was born on 10 May 1881. He died on 1 Jul 1964.
Baby WALDREP was born on 10 May 1881 in , Habersham County, GA. He died on 10 May 1881 in , Habersham County, GA. He was buried in Bethlehem Bapt., Habersham County, GA. Born and died the same day.
Mary Ann "Mamie" WALDREP was born on 21 Sep 1883. She died on 18 Jul 1967.
George Hamilton WALDREP was born on 22 Nov 1885. He died on 1 Dec 1949.
Merrill Bumstead "Bum" WALDREP was born on 25 Nov 1887. He died on 26 Nov 1928.
Emma Julia WALDREP was born on 18 Feb 1890.
Anna Odessa "Annie" WALDREP was born on 22 Apr 1892. She died on 7 Dec 1979.
Robert MacMillan WALDREP was born on 6 May 1894. He died on 23 Apr 1982.
Ruby Mae WALDREP was born on 3 Oct 1896. She died on 23 Jul 1975.
Florence A. WALDREP was born on 17 Jun 1899. She died on 31 Mar 1901. She was buried in Clarkesville, Habersham Co, GA.
James Ashmore WALDREP was born on 22 Apr 1901. He died on 8 Jan 1992.
Gussie E. WALDREP was born on 22 Apr 1901. She died on 14 Aug 1901. She was buried in Clarkesville, Habersham Co, GA.
Henry Downey WALDREP was born on 7 Dec 1904. He died on 2 Nov 1972.
Second Marriage:
James L. married Mollie CASH on 19 Aug 1906 in , Habersham Co, GA. Mollie was born on 8 Nov 1865. She died on 2 Aug 1908 in , GA.
She had 3 children when she married James Lafayette Waldrep. Dillard Cash, Arthur Cash and Robert Cash are her sons by an earlier marriage.
James and Mollie had the following children:
She had 3 children when she married James Lafayette Waldrep. Dillard Cash, Arthur Cash and Robert Cash are her sons by an earlier marriage.
James and Mollie had the following children:
Guy Victor WALDREP was born on 24 Jul 1908 in , GA. He died on 5 Feb 1910 in , GA.
Third Marriage:
James L. married Rozillie Jackson Perry on 26 Feb 1909 in , Hall Co, GA. Rozillie was born on 13 Jul 1880. She died on 21 May 1938 in , GA. She had 4 children from a prior marriage when she married James Lafayette Waldrep. James L. and Rozillie had the following children:
David Manley "Jack" WALDREP was born on 17 Feb 1910. He died on 12 Jan 1986.
Albert Ernest "Ab" WALDREP was born on 23 Jul 1910. He died on 2 Dec 1980.
Florence Maude WALDREP was born on 22 Feb 1913. She died on 15 Dec 2000.
Elsie Virginia WALDREP was born on 13 Aug 1914 in , GA. She died on 29 Nov 1993 in , Hall Co, GA. She married L. C. Voyles.
George married Carrie Beulah WILSON on 2 Jul 1905 in , Hall Co, GA. The photo above I believe is from their wedding day. He is 20 years of age and she is 19 years old in this photo. Carrie was born on 21 Jan 1886, in Maysville, GA. She died on 6 Feb 1973, in Gainesville, Hall County, GA.
Below is a picture of the George Hamilton Waldrep family, taken during the summer of 1939, with George H. and Beulah (as she was called) sitting and holding grandchildren.
They had the following children:
Deuward Sherman WALDREP was born 3 Apr 1906. He died in 9 Oct 1983.
James Cicero "J.C." WALDREP was born on 19 Aug 1908. He died on 24 Jan 1964, as a result of a work place accident at the New Holland textile mill in New Holland, GA.
George Richard WALDREP was born on 3 Sep 1913. He died 2 Aug 2002.
Emily Ida Lou WALDREP was born on 24 Sep 1915. She died on 2 June 2002.
Warren Hamilton WALDREP was born on 20 Dec 1920. He died on 18 Oct 1999.
unnamed(female) WALDREP was born on 6 Mar 1925. She died on 6 Mar 1925.
James Cicero "J.C." WALDREP was born on 19 Aug 1908. He died on 24 Jan 1964, as a result of a work place accident at the New Holland textile mill in New Holland, GA.
George Richard WALDREP was born on 3 Sep 1913. He died 2 Aug 2002.
Emily Ida Lou WALDREP was born on 24 Sep 1915. She died on 2 June 2002.
Warren Hamilton WALDREP was born on 20 Dec 1920. He died on 18 Oct 1999.
unnamed(female) WALDREP was born on 6 Mar 1925. She died on 6 Mar 1925.

Ida Lou, as she was called, married George Jeter DUNAGAN on 28 Jun 1939. George was born on 2 Jul 1913. He died on 10 June 2006, and is buried next to mother in Alta Vista Cemetery, Gainesville, GA.
They had the following children:
Emilie Sandra DUNAGAN was born on 2 Feb 1942.
Brenda Dianne DUNAGAN was born on 18 Oct 1944.
George Olin Michael DUNAGAN was born on 17 Mar 1951.
William Bradley DUNAGAN was born on 30 Apr 1953.
Emma Julia Waldrep is my great-great grandmother. She married James Wilson, and their son Elmo is my mother's mother's father.
ReplyDelete-Emma Abel McPhail
I am a Wardrop. We come from Pennsylvania.
ReplyDeleteMy late mother was born a Waldrep in Randolph County Alabama. Have you run across any kin from there?
ReplyDeleteThank you,
My family is from Alabama.
DeleteMy family is from Alabama.
DeleteI am a descendant of the Waldreps from Alabama. I have a few awesome stories!
ReplyDeleteI am a descendant of the Waldreps from Alabama. I have a few awesome stories!
ReplyDeleteYou should share them!!! I would love to know all about it!
DeleteMy Mom is a Waldroup. My Grandfather is George W. Waldroup from North Carolina
ReplyDeleteI am a waldrep. I live in Houston Texas. My father's name was Lee waldrep. He died in 1973 Houston Texas. He was 54 years old. He married my mom by the name of Minnie l.Golden. they both were raised in Arkansas.
ReplyDeleteI am a Waldrep, I am from lubbock TX, my dad's name is Lee Waldrep jr still alive but my grandpa was earl lee Waldrep however I'm pretty sure he died in california. He was a truck driver for many years and is how he met my GMA also raised in texas, had 2 daughters and one boy.
ReplyDeleteI am also a Waldrep, from Texas. My father was from northern Alabama, but our lineage can be traced back through Tennessee, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Virginia, and originally, Scotland.